Monday, April 29, 2013

Project #13

Using Collaborative Tools group used several tools to complete our project 15 and 16 since we were not supposed to meet face to face to work on these projects. For project 15, our group used google presentations to create our slideshow to teach our lesson. We then were able to share our presentation using Google Docs. This way, only our group members were able to view the slideshow, and each group member could make the changes necessary. We also used Google Docs to share the outline for project 16. We also used our gmail accounts and group texts to send group messages. This was a huge life saver because we were able to discuss meeting times to record both projects, and we were able to discuss project ideas. I found that using Google Docs, emails, and texts were the most convenient tools to use because we were able to respond when we found time. The group did not have to set up a specific time to meet or chat.

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