Friday, March 1, 2013

Project #9 PLN 1st Post

Before taking EDM 310, I did not have a personal learning network, so I have been working this semester to develop a PLN. Earlier in the semester, I was just bookmarking useful tools and websites. However, that was not an easy way to keep up with all my tools. After watching the video A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment, I thought Symbaloo would be a great place to start. I created an account with Symbaloo, and now my PLN is becoming more organized.

My PLN currently has information and links to Twitter where I am following several inspirational educators. I also have links to my blog and the EDM 310 class blog. A link to the University of South Alabama and my classes can also be found on my PLN. I also have a link to Pinterest where I have found a lot of useful information from classroom bulletin board ideas to ideas about math games.

I am still working to gather more information to put on my PLN. At first, I was completely overwhelmed with trying to create my PLN. Before EDM 310, I did not have an account with Twitter or Pinterest. So, I am still trying to learn how to effectively use these tools while creating my PLN. From this experience, I have learned that I need to be developing my PLN now. I do not need to wait until I am in the classroom before I start finding these valuable resources. I am hoping that by the next PLN progress report I will be successfully using all of the valuable resources and that I will have added a lot more to my Symbaloo account.

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