Friday, March 1, 2013

Blog Assignment #7
Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Randy Pausch is an inspiring man! In his video, Randy Pausch pointed out that it is important to have specific dreams and understand that brick walls are there for a reason. This is an important lesson to teach my students. I need to teach them that just because they reach a bump in the road does not mean that they should give up. It just means that they need to try even harder to reach their dreams. I also loved the quote, "Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted." A great point that Randy Pausch made was that most of what we learn, we learn indirectly. He also said that the way something is said makes a huge difference. As a future teacher, this is something that I should be aware of. I need to watch not only what I say but how I say it. Being positive when talking to my students is a great way to encourage them, and I need to remember that there is a good way and a bad way to say everything.

Randy Pausch provided so many life lessons throughout his speech. Not only are his examples applicable in the classroom, but he also uses examples that will help people as they journey through life. He is given the prognosis that he only has three months to live, but he chooses not to dwell on it. Instead, he uses the time he has left to be a positive influence and inspire others. His attitude and the way he presents himself is something that all educators should portray to their students. It does not matter what circumstances life throws at you; dwelling on the cards you have been given will not change the situation. Teaching my students how to handle situations will not only help them in school but will also help them as they go through life.

The first portion of Randy Pausch's lecture is spent on his childhood dreams. Then he discusses how to enable the dreams of others. The way he discussed his childhood dreams was also an important teaching tool. From watching this video, I have learned that my childhood dreams have helped mold me into the person I am today. So when I become an educator, I need to work with my students. I need to encourage their childhood dreams because those dreams help shape them into the person they will become as well as shaping their future. Another good piece of advice was not placing an achievement bar for my students. Instead, I need to push my students to do more and try harder. I need to encourage them to be the best that they can be. According to Pausch, one of the best things you can give somebody is the chance to let them know what it feels like to make other people happy. This is another important life lesson that students should be taught. Students should all get the chance to know what it feels like to help someone else and to make other people happy.

Randy Pausch spent most of his time developing nontraditional classrooms. His students did not just sit in their desks and have information fed to them. Instead, his students were continually working on projects and doing things that most normal classrooms would not ever do. These nontraditional ideas are great ways to teach students how to become self-learners. They do not have a textbook or class notes to memorize. In the end, these students have gained a wealth of knowledge through these nontraditional techniques. Creativity should be encouraged in schools. When students are able to be creative and use their own strengths, a different type of learning takes place, and students are more likely to enjoy the process.

Another important life lesson that Pausch uses is teaching students how to work in groups. It does not matter what field a child goes into or if they go straight into the work force. People are required to work together and get along with their co-workers and bosses. It is important that I teach my students how to work together and be self reflectors. Students need to be able to evaluate their own abilities and see what areas of their own lives need improving. I hope to teach my students to have empathy towards other people and to focus on others. He also pointed out the "head-fake." This would be a useful tool for an educator because according to Pausch, the best way to teach somebody something is to let them think that they are learning something else. An important concept for me as a future educator is that I need to allow my students to have fun while learning something hard. I should engage them in the learning process in hopes that they will enjoy the task at hand.

Throughout his video, Randy Pausch gives numerous lessons that would be beneficial to teach to my students. One of those lessons was how to get people to help you. I need to encourage my students to be honest and willing to apologize when they mess up. It is important for students to realize that being honest and being willing to admit that you make mistakes will be beneficial in cooperating with others. Randy Pausch spent his time inspiring others. I hope, as an educator, that I may be able to achieve the same effects on my students. I hope not only to teach my students but to mentor them and inspire them to reach their goals and lead the lives they want. Some of the last pieces of advice in this video were to never lose the child-like wonder, help others, work hard, be prepared, loyalty is a two way street, and most importantly to never give up.

1 comment:

  1. The reason we include this video is to inspire you to bust through those brick walls, to raise the bars, to execute effective head fakes and much more. I believe you will do these things when you are a teacher.

    Keep on learning!
